Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Review: Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Eragon is the stroy of a boy who finds a mysteryous terquoise stone which soon hatches into a dragon. Later on Eragon discovers that he has been chosen to be the first dragon rider after Galbatorix ( A young rider who destroyed the high society of dragon riders hundreds of years ago) who is now the tyranic ruler of the fictional land of Alagesia. He begins to make his way towards the Varden which is a small group of rebels who have set out to destroy Galbatorix accompanied by Brom, an old man who turns out to be a former dragon rider and his dragon Saphira. Many enimies stand in their way. Urgals, Rasak and Dursa a shade and right hand of Galbatorix. This book contains many details about characters background of the characters that the movie left out. This book is long and hard to consentrate on for the first few chapters but after a while, the book becomes hard to put down.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Review: Maximum Ride 3 by James Patterson

James Patterson's young adult novel series is about six children with wings stolen from their parents and placed in a cruel lab nicknamed the school and were given 2 percent avian (bird) DNA, causing them to grow wings. They escape and are constantly on the run from Erasers (humans that can willingly transform into wolf -man hybrids. The third instalation is possibly the best of them all. Erasers have become obsolete and have been executed and replaced by robotic Erasers. Max (the main character) discovers that she might have a set expiration date just like Ari, the only Eraser left alive. The Flock discovers more about the parents they never knew and they destroy the heartless corporation that has attempted to kill them over and over. In an emense climactic battle, Ari who had hated Max and the rest of the Flock actually dies fighting on their side. Their are so many twists and turns in this book that it wouldn't fit on the page if I described it all.

Review: Maximum Ride 3 by James Patterson

Review: The Mist by Stephen King

The Mist emphesysis the weakness and recklessness in humanity the moment that there is something to fear. It takes place, mainly, in a grocery store after a massive lightning storm Dave and his eight year old son, Billy are trapped inside along with a large crowd of other shoppers when a mysteryous mist roles in. A man runs in from the front door with a bleeding nose telling them that there is some sort of supernatural creature lurking within the mist. Emediatly people go insane and, for some reason, run out the front door without paying for their groceries. In true horror fashion, none of them are ever seen again. Mrs. Carmody convinces people that this is God's reckoning and even convinces them that she is an embodiment of God himself. She has created a mob that believes that Billy must be sacrificed to save them. Soon, the creature attacks and there are horrific casualties. The Mist is a true horror classic and has recently been turned into a movie by LGM and Univeral.

Review: Cujo by Stephen King


Cujo is the story of a 200 pound St. Bernard who is bitten by some rabies infested bats and spirals deep into insanity. The massive dog goes on a mindless killing spree told through the words of the master of horror and suspense, Stephen King. The book was about 420 pages long and was written and published in 1980. Looking deeper into the persona of a...dog, Cujo is owned by the Camber family. The father, Joe, decided to buy a farm, even though he is a mecanic. Cujo is an obediant, loving dog and is the best friend of 10 year old Brett Camber, that is, until the rabies sink in. The five year old St. Bernard chases a rabit one day, through the woods and gets stuck in a hole which is home to some very sick bats. He bites one in the wing and snaps it like a twig, but is bitten several times. The chapters are very long and it takes over 12 chapters for Cujo to foam at the mouth, it takes even MORE chapters for him to start killing. The climax of the tale is when he traps mother, Donna Trenton and 4 year old son, Tad in a car that doesn't work. Like many other Stephen King novels, Cujo was made into a movie in 1987. All in all, I give this book an 8 out of 10.