Monday, January 28, 2008

Review: Maximum Ride 3 by James Patterson

James Patterson's young adult novel series is about six children with wings stolen from their parents and placed in a cruel lab nicknamed the school and were given 2 percent avian (bird) DNA, causing them to grow wings. They escape and are constantly on the run from Erasers (humans that can willingly transform into wolf -man hybrids. The third instalation is possibly the best of them all. Erasers have become obsolete and have been executed and replaced by robotic Erasers. Max (the main character) discovers that she might have a set expiration date just like Ari, the only Eraser left alive. The Flock discovers more about the parents they never knew and they destroy the heartless corporation that has attempted to kill them over and over. In an emense climactic battle, Ari who had hated Max and the rest of the Flock actually dies fighting on their side. Their are so many twists and turns in this book that it wouldn't fit on the page if I described it all.

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